Helping the elderly
Many years ago CleanSquad started with Karin being a sole trader helping the elderly in her community with household chores like cleaning and ironing.
Today this is still what we do at the CleanSquad. We have very qualified and vetted cleaners who are specifically doing this work for our senior customers.
They understand what it means to be house proud and how difficult it can be to ask for help when you have done it yourself for so many years.
Quite often we are contacted by the relatives of people who can do with a little help.
Please contact Karin, our Senior Home Cleaning expert to discuss your specific requirements.

Write a comment
Margaret Joan MacIsaac (Monday, 11 December 2017 13:35)
Hi I'm in North Uist and I've been trying to get a cleaning service for my father, Tagsa can't help till mid January and I need to be able to rely upon a regular service. If you could supply a weekly clean and bed changing it would be really helpful. Looking forward to hearing from you
Kindest regards
Margaret Joan MacIsaac